Sunday, June 14, 2009

28 Week Milestone

Well we have made it to one big milestone in the pregnancy with Ian's little sister, 28 weeks. By this time we had already had Ian and had started the NICU roller coaster. Granted I have been to the OB 2x in the last 2 weeks because I'm paranoid and don't know what is normal. This last visit on Friday was due to a tiny bit of bloody drool on my pillow when I woke up. Now typically probably wouldn't bother me as I have bad gums but that was one of the things that happened with Ian when I was developing HELLP and we didn't know it was a cause of concern.

Now with it being Friday and going into the weekend I was worried. So into the Drs we go. I know that they think I'm being crazy but with everything that happened with Ian and with how fast it happened, I am a little justified. So the Dr ordered some bloodwork to check my platelets and liver enzymes just to be on the safe side. They will let me know if anything is off. My Dr (not the same Dr that I had with Ian) is funny since he has finally figured out that I wasn't the typical presentation of HELLP with Ian( I skipped preeclampsia and eclampsia and went straight to Class 1 HELLP) and wants me to be boring this pregnancy. I want to be boring as well.

So as of now, all is well and little girl is still cooking, yay!! We have our next milestone on Thursday when we go in for the actual scheduled Dr appt. I never made it to that one with Ian. I get to have the lovely Rhogam shot as well. Oh joy.

Time to now hopefully go get some sleep. I hate pregnancy insomnia.

1 comment:

  1. Our pregnancies sound so familiar! I'm so happy to hear that your little girl is growing and doing well and that you are too! I definitely relate to your milestones - I was in the hospital with preeclampsia and other problems at 28 weeks gestation with Simon, but he held out until 29 weeks before I had to deliver. I hope that your pregnancy continues to be "boring"! I'm just a week behind with you, and we continue to hope and be thankful for the same - a boring pregnancy! Hugs!
