Saturday, June 6, 2009

I Love Pea Pod Announcements

I love Pea Pod Announcements. I found them when I was looking for birth announcements for Ian and wanting something unique. They did such a great job with his and didn't freak out when some, ok the majority, were NICU pictures. They are a small company started by a mom and is now 4 years old. They also do invitations, thank you cards, and holiday cards as well as announcements.

Well they had a 4th Birthday Party on Facebook last night. Just for signing in I got a 15% off code and then I won a set of Keep In Touch cards ( think of as kid business cards) and a 30% off code.

This is so great. I've been looking and trying to decide on which announcement to do for our little girl and how to customize it. The codes will help with the cost. Yay:)

If you want to check out this cool place they are at www. and they also have a Facebook page as well.

I know I sound like an ad for them but they are an amazing bunch of designers and do a lot of great work.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! They are very cool! I'm glad you found something you like for those special announcements! :)
